Hold the Booze With Ashton: Toasted Marshmallow Strawberry Milkshake

For as much as we post about our favorite beers and booze, we do drink things that do not contain alcohol (like an ungodly amount of La Croix). We also drink a lot of coffee, teas and also enjoy the occasional milkshake or other fun beverages. A huge inspiration for these non-boozey concoctions is our friend Ashton. He enjoys crafting these virgin beverages for himself and his wife, Kelsey. They look crazy amazing and he’s always coming up with fun, new ideas. We hope to actually try one soon (they live a few hours away). So while we wait to get our hands on one, we thought we’d give him his own segment on the blog where he can share his recipes with everyone!

A little background on Ashton: Ashton Preston is a 30-something-year-old fashion lover who enjoys playing video games, styling outfits and showing them off on his Instagram (ash_pres), and in the words of his brother, “making drinks and drinking them.” We do need to take a minute and talk about his keen sense of fashion. Just head to his Instagram and check out his pictures. His outfits are out of this world. He actually helped Beard with his engagement picture ensemble and his wedding attire.
Anways, on to Ashton with the recipe…

You know how Julia loves pickles? I mean really, really, loves pickles? Well, that’s the way my wife, Kelsey, is with marshmallows. Raw out of the bag, chocolate covered, heaping piles on her hot cocoa, Peep form, toasted, fluff in a jar, on a s’more, you name it; she devours it. I have been making her toasted marshmallow milkshakes since we have been dating. However, I recently put a different spin on the toasted ‘mallow milkshake by adding strawberry jam to it. According to my wife, it’s her favorite milkshake…at least for the moment.
Toasted Marshmallow Strawberry Milkshake Recipe
1. For this milkshake you will need: milk of your choosing (I used 2%), vanilla ice cream, strawberry jam, and marshmallows (duh).
2. I use about 5 large scoops of ice cream, you can add more or less depending on how thick you like your shakes
3. Add 1.5 tablespoons of strawberry jam
4. I don’t add much milk, I enjoy my shakes somewhat thick, I only use about 1/4 a cup. You can add more once you mix it all together.
5. Broil 10-12 large marshmallows for about 1 minute. I prefer mine to be a little burnt to really get that “toasted” flavor.
6. Mix all together in the blender and garnish with a toasted marshmallow and whipped cream!
Shoutout to Ashton’s gorgeous wife, Kelsey for taking all these amazing pics 🙂
Thanks for tuning in for our first Hold The Booze with Ashton segment. Did you try the recipe? If so don’t forget to tag us and Ashton in your post!

This looks and sounds amazing!
“ungodly amount of La Croix” <>
Love this recipe!
I’ve had one of Ashton’s toasted marshmallow drinks; it was pretty much the best drink I’ve ever had. I need a lot more of those in my life.
yummmm I need to make this immediately