Day 19 of the 4th Annual Advent-ure Calendar
Day 19: Platform Beer Co. Holiday Donut Cookie

Oh, this is a fun one! This is beer number two from Platform and brewed with one of our favorite CLE businesses, Brewnuts. Platform used to serve Brewnuts donuts when the brewery first opened and when Brewnuts was just doing pop up and their own brick & mortar was just a pipe (dough?) dream. The two companies have continued to work together on small collab beers over the last year or so, but this is the first large scale release from them: “Say hello to our new Holiday Ale brewed with our friends at Brewnuts CLE. Sweet milk sugar, vanilla, spice, and homemade snickerdoodle cookies. Cheers to spreading more cheer!”
Beard & Broad
Beard: I was weary of this when I first had it, but that was back in October. Dammit this beer turned out well. It strikes the perfect balance between sweet, malty, spicy, and full bodied. It has all the warming flavors I can tolerate in a holiday beer but nothing is overpowering. At 7% it lands right in the middle of where I want my winter beers to be also. Definitely recommend this for the spiced beer lover or for someone just wanting a beer that reminds them of donuts.
Broad: Hot damn, this is a delicious beer! I would normally shy away from a beer that had “donut or cookie” in the title for fear of it being too sweet but this isn’t too sweet at all. It’s the perfect combination of spice, malt and sweetness. It does taste like a cookie, a homemade delicious snickerdoodle cookie! It’s also super light and super refreshing. I would definitely keep this in our fridge during the holiday season.
Adam & Alex
Adam: Full disclosure: when I first tried this I didn’t like it. But that was HALLOWEEN. I now love it. It get notes of vanilla and whatever makes a snickerdoodle cookie and strangely it does seem kinda to have a milkshake vibe to it. I want to drink so many of these
Alex: Platform’s Holiday Donut Cookie is another new one this year, and it really does taste like a cookie. It’s sweet, but in a good way. I can taste the vanilla and snickerdoodle. I will definitely be drinking this one again.

Scott & Christa
Scott: Platform’s Holiday Donut Cookie is a flat out winner. It’s not nearly as sweet as the name suggests, drinks easy and has a pleasant aftertaste that you might not expect for such a sweetly named beer. It has an interesting orangish color, malty flavor and light carbonation. This is one of those special winter beers that you must pick up before it leaves shelves this year.
Christa: This beer is AMAZING. Pick of the season. Smooth, the right amount of holiday spice but not too sweet. It’s both malty and crisp. I want 8 more. It’s the beer I’d bring home if you were traveling, the beer I would show off to out of towners, and a beer I am sad to be nearly finished with. Perfection.

Tony & Megan
Tony: There are tons of Platform beers that I love, but I’m not sure about this one. I get a lot of the all spice and cinnamon and it’s on the sweeter side (queue captain obvious “its called Holiday Donut Cookie” Tony). Totally get that and I do like the idea of a collaboration with Brewnuts. It’s ok, just not one of my favorites.
Megan: Hmmm I don’t know how I feel about this one. I like the amount of cinnamon and I’m getting the allspice but it’s a little sweet for me. That being said, I could probably pair this with a Brewnuts donut and have quite a lovely morning.