Day 22 of the 4th Annual Advent-ure Calendar
Day 22: Great Lakes Brewing Co. Christmas Ale

On to another classic and beer number 2 by Great Lakes. “Do not open ‘til Christmas? Whoever coined that phrase obviously hasn’t tasted Christmas Ale’s fresh honey, cinnamon, and ginger flavors.” Whether or not it’s supposed to taste different each year, we think it does. It will be interesting to see what it’s like this year because some years we love it and some we don’t.
Beard & Broad
Beard: This isn’t always my favorite Christmas beer but it’s for sure a classic. I do feel this changes year to year just a bit, but this is the first year that it’s noticeably different. I don’t get as much of a cinnamon bite as years past and I’m actually way more into this year. Normally I can only have one of these, but I’m pretty sure I can polish off a few of this year’s batch and be completely content.
Broad: This is the beer that started it all! Every year I drink this I feel differently about it because I’m convinced it tastes different. Well this year it tastes amazing. It’s a true classic. It’s full of all the holiday spices: cinnamon, ginger and honey. It’s not too sweet and not too malty. It is just full of so much flavor but not in an overpowering way. I actually had it last night wth a cinnamon sugar rim and it was perfect. It’s one I will always go to every year and is in my top 3 or 5 favorite Christmas ales.
Adam & Alex
Adam: Ah GLBC Christmas Ale. It kinda feels like the beer that introduces most people to Cleveland’s beer scene. I often say this is the 4th or 5th best holiday beer in Cleveland but that’s more so bc we have great beer here as opposed to a slight at GLBC. It’s an exceptional blend of cherry, cinnamon and a touch of honey. The thing that I always remember fondly with each first sip is the warmth it brings because of its high alcohol content. It was the first beer I remember drinking with that much booze (probably bc I’ve been drinking since I was *age redacted*). It conjures fond memories of holidays gone by and despite loving other holiday beers a little more, this will always be a staple for us.
Alex: Great Lakes Christmas Ale is a classic. This is like listening to the oldies station. You know what to expect and won’t be disappointed by it. I can taste the cinnamon and ginger with honey finishing off the end. This will always be a favorite and fills me with nostalgia as it was one of the first Christmas beers I ever tried. Oh Christmas Ale, oh Christmas Ale.

Scott & Christa
Scott: The king of Christmas Ales! As we’ve learned this year, there’s a ton of Ohio Christmas beers out there but in my opinion, the Great Lakes Christmas Ale is the original and in my top 3 of all time. It’s spicy but not too spicy, sweet but not too sweet and most importantly full of balanced flavors. It’s a tough decision to pick a favorite from my top 3 (we’re 2 down at this point, one to go) but you can’t steer anyone wrong by suggesting this beer.
Christa: Oh Christmas Ale how lovely are your spices. As I disclosed early in the calendar, I wasn’t always a fan of this beer and I DEFINITELY wasn’t a fan of the first Christmas Ale hangover. But now with the benefit of time and a changing palate, I appreciate Christmas Ale so much more. It’s not my favorite but it’s definitely in the upper echelons of Cleveland beer. Unfortunately when your the OG, newcomers come for your throne but everyone will always remember who sat there first.
Scott & Christa are in Christa’s hometown Cincinnati for the holidays and are with their friends Rachael and Phil. They had them try the beer and provide reviews as well!
Rachael and Phil are Cincinnati natives, wine connoisseurs and Christmas ale virgins:
Phil: It’s a sweet and spicy beverage but not as sweet as a Christmas cookie which is what I expected. It’s well balanced, doesn’t come off as too Christmas-y to me, almost more hearty than anything. It would pair well with the early in the night Christmas activities like opening stockings. I like it, I would definitely enjoy another one.
Rachael: I am not a fan of this beer. Christmas beers never sit well with me and I am always hoping I’ll find one that changes my mind. I think unlike Phill, I was hoping for sweeter and this is a bit too bitter for me. Christa mentioned that some bars add a cinnamon sugar rim and I think this would make it better. So, I don’t love it but I am willing to try it again when I visit Cleveland!

Tony & Megan
Tony: A consistent favorite, this is a great one. I know they make slight tweaks to the brew each year but it’s consistently a favorite of mine. Lots of spice, malty, caramel, and well balanced. I enjoy this one every year, as do most Clevelanders, and you know it’s the holiday season when these start poppin up in your local Giant Eagle. An indicator that the holiday season is upon us, I always look forward to this one. 🍻
Megan: I love Great Lakes Christmas ale! Always a favorite this time of year and I always appreciate the cinnamon sugar rim associated with it. I took a sip of this before I realized it was Great Lakes and was so impressed with it in comparison to the other beers we’ve had lately. The flavors are strong and well balanced and epitomizes the spirit of Christmas.