Day 23 of the 2nd Annual Advent-ure Calendar
Day 23: Bell’s Brewery Christmas Ale
Bell’s is another favorite brewery of ours. We get most of their beers here because they come from the state up North. One of Broad’s favorite winter ales is their Winter White Ale which is a Belgian wheat ale. It’s light delicious and a nice variation from the heavy spiced ales. This Christmas ale however is Scottish ale. From their website: “A s essionable alternative to traditional spiced winter warmers, this Scottish Ale features Michigan grown malt from the Bell’s Farm in Shepherd, Michigan to impart dry, toasted notes along with subtle toffee flavors. A blend of hops from Michigan and the Pacific Northwest lend an earthy, herbal aroma to compliment your holiday menu, not overpower it.”
Beard & Broad
Beard: I just recently learned that there’s actually a difference between Scotch and Scottish Ales, so I was excited to have this again. Scottish Ales are actually brewed in Scotland, or done in that style, and tend to be lighter, subtler and lower in alcohol while still being flavorful. Scotch Ales are the American version of these beers which tend to be more robust and higher in booze content. They can also be slightly smoky or peaty. Both are styles I’m not too familiar with, but am trying to gain appreciation of. With this Scottish Ale I get a very nice toffee character. I couldn’t drink a bunch of these and that sweetness would become overpowering after a while, but this is a nice subtle change to the usual holiday beers and another great example of why Bell’s is one of the best breweries in the Midwest.
Broad: I’m hesitant to try this because it’s a Scottish ale and I’m not normally a fan of those types of beers because they tend to be too malty. This one is a bit different its lighter and not as malty. I get just a bit of holiday spice and a lot of toffee and maybe some cinnamon and nutmeg. However, the more I drink it the less I like it. I almost get a metallic taste I’m happy I didn’t have to drink a whole bottle of it.
Adam & Alex
Adam: I’m so bummed out because i used to love this beer and I enjoy most of what bell’s brings to the table but this falls flat this year. It’s a boring and generic mix of holiday spices and I get a hint of citrus but mostly it’s just bland.
Alex: This beer is good, but it’s nothing special. It’s malty and I can taste the spices and toffee. I apologize that most of my reviews at this point sound the same, but most of the holiday beers are malty and contain spices.
Scott & CT
Scott: This is now the second beer that completely surprised me with its taste. I don’t think I’ve had a Scottish Ale before but the Bell’s Christmas Ale is quite unique. Not nearly as rich and heavy as your typical Christmas beer and I can’t pinpoint exactly what the flavors are, but I’m enjoying it. It’s lighter, looks like scotch in your glass and has a pleasant aftertaste.
CT: I should preface that I will drink anything Bell’s makes. They are a solid choice for anyone looking to try a new brewery. This Scottish ale is good. Not much in the way of smell but taste is malty and lots of hops. Very drinkable. There’s a bit of the coppery aftertaste we’ve experienced with a few of these but I’d have no problem throwing back a couple of these and falling asleep by 8:30.fggScott: This is now the second beer that completely surprised me with its taste. I don’t think I’ve had a Scottish Ale before but the Bell’s Christmas Ale is quite unique. Not nearly as rich and heavy as your typical Christmas beer and I can’t pinpoint exactly what the flavors are, but I’m enjoying it. It’s lighter, looks like scotch in your glass and has a pleasant aftertaste.
Lou & Jen
Lou: This beer is a bummer. I typically like Scottish ales, but this was boring and kind of sour. For some reason, Bell’s beers don’t do it for me and this version can be added to the list.
Jen: This beer wasn’t horrible, but I wouldn’t buy it. It’s not my kind of flavor. A bit lighter and a tiny bit of malt. Otherwise bitter and even sour. I’m not getting any spices, maybe some fruit. I’m not sure what about this beer says winter.